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Concerts for nursing homes
Pia ja Jyrki12
Pia ja Jyrki10
Pia ja Jyrki3
Pia ja Jyrki 1
Pia ja Jyrki6
Pia ja Jyrki8

If you want to order or suggest ordering a concert even at a nursing home near you, you can contact us here>


Powered by music

You can download the Powered Music Association demo  here (pdf)  >

Powered by the Music Association. is  a non-profit association that produces and conducts high-quality chamber music concerts  various care and service units for the elderly, such as care homes, dementia homes, day care centers, hospitals, etc.

The association has been producing these concerts since 2011 and all activities are based on grants. There have already been about 150 concerts all over Finland.  

I have been involved in the activities of the association, performing in concerts together with guitarist Jyrki Myllärinen . From the performer’s point of view, working in sometimes very challenging external conditions definitely opens up new perspectives in relation to one’s own artistic work.


Encounters at concerts on both sides are extremely valuable; we narrate and open the background and content of songs and guitar solos, and in many cases this evokes communication between listeners and performers. When a confidential and relaxed atmosphere is created, it is eliminated  away from the prejudices sometimes associated with classical music  and  many are encouraged to recount the images that music evokes in them.


It has been touching to see the power of music, how it reaches even the listeners brought to the scene in a hospital bed. The feedback from the concerts has always been commendable - it has also given us artists the strength to believe in the invigorating potential of art.

I quote the archaeologist Risto Pelkonen: “The task of art is to give life to life, and the health effects of art are based on encounter. Art opens a closed door from loneliness to the outside world for other people. Art can help people bear the burden of illness, inspire hope and reduce anxiety. ”

I also wholeheartedly agree with the words of psychiatrist Sami Pirkkola: “When successful, a work of art sums up something essential in a unique, touching way. For many, music provides such an angelic touch. ”



The concerts will take place when the corona situation allows, 

possibly in the spring / summer as open-air concerts or streaming.


Concerts scheduled for 2021:

  • Villa Andante, nursing home Espoo

  • Wilhelmiina, Hoivakoti Helsinki

  • Service home Sofia, Helsinki

  • Kivelä Hospital, Helsinki

  • Kamppi Service Center, Helsinki

  • Myllypuro's versatile service center, Helsinki

  • Service Home Flower Fund, Helsinki

  • Vuorensyrjä service house, Helsinki

  • Jakomäki care home, Helsinki

  • Attendo Puistomäki, Hämeenlinna

  • Attendo Hämeen Taurus, Renko





If you want to order or suggest a concert even for a nursing home near you, you can contact:


Jyrki Myllärinen:

jyrkimyllarinen (at)


Pia Freund:

+358 400 611 351 (at)    

You can download the Powered Music Association presentation here (pdf)  >


Streaming music, two video clips  

Click the white arrow to start the video,

and can be stopped by clicking on it.

Photos and videos: Taina-Maaria Rautasuo

Federico Garcia Lorca:
El cafe de Chinitas

Guitar: Jyrki Myllärinen
Soprano: Pia Freund

Federico Garcia Lorca:
Nana de Sevilla

Guitar: Jyrki Myllärinen
Soprano: Pia Freund

Powered by the music association's activities

A short video (54 sec.) In which the executive director of the association, guitar artist Jyrki Myllärinen, briefly (54 sec.) Introduces the association's activities.

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